Photo Credit: Maksud_kr /
3. Sugar Feeds Cancer
Perhaps the most popular cancer claim today is the link between sugar and cancer progression. More and more health-savvy (but unscientific) sources push the fact that cancer feeds on sugar, and therefore the more sugar you eat, the faster you’re feeding your cancer. The truth is, all cells – cancerous and otherwise – feed on glucose, and although cancer cells consume more energy than normal cells, there is no evidence that eating more sugar makes more cancer cells.
Likewise, eliminating sugar from your diet is no guarantee that your cancer will stop growing, shrink, or disappear. However, since too much sugar does lead to conditions like obesity and diabetes, which can themselves lead to cancer, limiting your sugar intake is always a good idea.
It’s easier to begin a new workout routine when you focus on the benefits - when it comes to yoga for cancer, the list of benefits is long.